Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Creative Elements Aligned

It is so gratifying when all of the creative elements around me align. The designer inside of me has been forcing it's way to the surface. After designing a sock pattern (thanks Melodius for test knitting for me!) I've had the urge to design a handbag. All of the design basics are solidly in place in my mind. The only thing that has not presented itself is the stitch pattern for this wondrous bag with many pockets. I shall continue to search until I find the right stitch for the bag.

In the meantime, I run across some yarn in my craftroom that sparks my interest. It is a ball of single light gray handspun which I plyed together with some blueish-gray commercial yarn with a hint of mohair in it and some shiny silver and black thread that I purchased at Spin-In some years go. All of the fibers mingled together to create an exciting effect, but alas, there is only a tiny amount. Not enough for a scarf, but probably just enough for an evening bag.

So I rummage through my computer files for the perfect pattern. No luck! I search the Internet without much luck either. While playing around the Net, I find a swatch someone has knitted up from one of Barbara Walker's books. DUH! Why didn't I think of that?

After printing out the pattern, I settle into my knitting chair and randomly pick a 4 pattern repeat and start knitting away. The original idea was so knit a rectangle and make a simple clutch. As the knitting progresses, I remember that I purchased a silver purse frame at an estate sale. Off to the craft room to see if the frame will work for the evening bag. Amazingly, the knitted piece was exactly the right size to fit inside the frame. I had just enough of the shiny silver/black thread to sew the frame to the knitting. This is unbelievable! Everything just fits together like a puzzle. If I had planned it, it wouldn't have come together this beautifully. So, without any further adieu, I present my Creative Alignment evening bag.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This bag is wonderful. You will be the belle of the ball with it. Great job. Don't you love it when things flow together?