Sunday, January 13, 2008

Fly Away, My Little Bird!

I didn't really feel the "empty nest" syndrome when my sweet girl left for Baton Rouge. Geez, she was only 45 minutes away and I saw her often. She’d come home on weekends and she’d make time for me when I went to BR to be with my fiber friends once a month. But today's the day my little bird flies away. She begins her new job tomorrow and as her mom, I could not be more proud. She has accomplished so much in such a short time. Her dedication and commitment never ceases to amaze me.

Unfortunately, that didn't ease the pangs in my heart as I watched her drive off today. MY NEST IS EMPTY! and my heart is heavy. I love my girl and wish her all the best.

My only consolation to this move is that there are many yarn shops in Houston. So, now I guess I'll go and fill my empty nest with yarn to pacify myself a bit.

Good luck my Little Bird. high. Just remember to land at my doorstep once is a while.