Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Coffee...give me coffee!

I have 150 lbs of natural cotton for weaving. (DON'T ASK!...if you know anything about me at is that I can get myself in the middle of a big mess without even trying!) So, on my last visit with my favorite fiber-terrific cousin, Liz, we were talking about fiber, as usual. She suggested that I might want to consider natural dyeing some of the cotton. Why not use something simple, like used tea bags or coffee grounds for staining? This really peaks my interest because I know that coffee will give the fiber an antique or aged effect.

Since I am not a tea drinker, I settle for my favorite pick-me-upper, coffee! Only problem is, since my thoughtful daughter gave me a Keurig for mother's day a few years ago, all I have are K-cups. So, I spend the end of each day for the next two weeks scraping out the grounds from tiny K cups until I have enough for a dye batch. I place them in a piece of cheesecloth that I had conveniently purchased just the week before, and set out on the coffee train. Choo, choo!!

I decide to stain enough cotton for 8 large dishtowels. I will need 240 total threads for the project. I very seldom run a whole warp at one time. I break it up into more manageable sections, so I decide on 6 groups of 40 threads each. With the dye pot prepared, I begin the process. Letting the cotton soak overnight, then replenishing it with another section the following morning to soak all day, it takes me a few days to get the entire lot completed. Checking my references on natural dyeing, I make note of the fact that the final color will be approximately two to three shades lighter when the fabric dries. After 4 days, the last section is ready to be removed from the dyepot this morning. Unfortunately, I am leaving for a short vacation tomorrow, so the weaving will have to wait until I get back. This photo shows the cotton before dyeing, completely dried and directly out of the dyepot. Pics of the completed project coming soon, I promise!

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